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Publishing Year: 2010

Gutwin, C., Graham, T.C.N., Wolfe, C., Wong, N. and de Alwis, B.: Gone But Not Forgotten: Designing for Disconnection in Synchronous Groupware, In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, ACM, pages 179-188, 2010.


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  • Bibtex:

    @INPROCEEDINGS { gutwin2010gone,
        TITLE = { {Gone But Not Forgotten: Designing for Disconnection in Synchronous Groupware} },
        AUTHOR = { Gutwin, C. and Graham, T.C.N. and Wolfe, C. and Wong, N. and de Alwis, B. },
        BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the 2010 ACM conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work },
        PAGES = { 179—188 },
        YEAR = { 2010 },
        PUBLISHER = { ACM },
        PDF = { 170-p179-gutwin.pdf },