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ASPECTS: ASsets Planning Employing Collaborative Tabletop Systems

This is a completed project.


ASPECTS (ASsets Planning Employing Collaborative Tabletop Systems) is an software application prototype developed to serve as an experimental platform for investigating the use of digital tabletop interfaces to support planning and decision-making over dynamic, geospatial data in complex task domains, such as defence and security. ASPECTS users can view, manipulate, and share dynamically updated mapbased information in a windowing environment optimized for tabletop systems. The system provides the ability to easily rotate, move, and resize windows, as well as access system menus from anywhere around the table. ASPECTS is designed to run on an Anoto digital pen tabletop hardware platform, that provides unique user tracking, enabling interface tailoring for role-based interactions or security-level enforcement.

The project was a collaboration between the University of Waterloo, Defence Research and Development Canada – Atlantic, and Gallium Visual Systems.

The ASPECTS application prototype was demonstrated at I/ITSEC 2009 in Orlando, Florida in December 2009 and at the DRDC Future Technology Watch Showcase at the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries annual conference (CANSEC) in Ottawa, ON in June 2010. An initial usability study was also conducted at the University of Waterloo to assess the design features and collaborative decision-making support of the system in May/June 2010.


ASPECTS Multi-User InterfaceASPECTS in use


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